Hmm!! I just got an attack from IP ( from Istanbul Technical University.
Are u having fun or are u just celebrating Turkeys bronzmedal in World Cup??
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
Hmm!! I just got an attack from IP ( from Istanbul Technical University.
Are u having fun or are u just celebrating Turkeys bronzmedal in World Cup??
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
Det ar verkligen sant det du sager att det behovs ett JV som varit med lenge for att forsta hur det verkligen ar inom JV. Darmed inte sagt att allt ar daligt.Det finns manga fina broder och systrar och manga bra aldste i de olika forsamlingarna ute i varlden.Men jag har traffat pa sa mycket som har sagts och gjorts att jag manga ggr under mina 44 ar som JV undrat over om och var Jehovas ande ar.
Man kunde ibland lika gerna ha kastat terning for resultatet hade blivit desamma (i alla fall inte semre). Jag har ju inte lemnat p.g.a. en trosfraga men visst har jag undrat manga ggr over vissa forandringar i "sanningen" och inte forstatt logiken bakom forandringen.Men man har anda forsokt att acceptera det hela.
Jag tycker att det kenns bra just nu och jag har ju kvar min gudstro intakt och jag r inte heller bitter p Organisationen.Men det ar alldeles for styrt och totalt fel att man inte skall kunna fa reagera om nagot verkar tokigt.Kul att att du skrev nagra rader.
Mste nog skriva pa engelska senare,bokstaverna faller ju ifran.
Kramar Kjell H
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
Det r verkligen sant det du sger att det behvs ett JV som varit med lnge fr att frst hur det verkligen r inom JV.Drmed inte sagt att allt r dligt.Det finns mnga fina brder och systrar och mnga bra ldste i de olika frsamlingarna runt om i Vrlden. Men jag har trffat p s mycket som har sagts och gjorts att jag mnga gnger under mina 44 r som JV undrat ver om och var Jehovas ande r!
Man kunde ibland lika grna kastat trning om vissa beslut fr resultatet hade blivit densamma (i allafall inte smre). Jag har ju inte lmnat p.g.a. ngon Lrofrga men visst har jag undrat mnga ggr ver vissa frndringar i " sanningen" och inte frsttt logiken bakom ndringen.Men man har nd frskt att acceptera det hela.
Jag tycker att det knns bra just nu och jag har ju kvar min Gudstro intakt och jag r inte bitter p Organisationen.Men det r alldeles fr styrt och totallt fel att man inte skall kunna f reagera om ngot verkar tokigt.Kul att hra frn dig
Kramar frn Kjell H
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
I couldnt have said it better then you did! You really printed down what is exactly my own thoughts. Applause to u!
Hugs from Kjell H
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
BAD_ASSOCIASHUN!! I wish you health & happiness 2
REBORN 2002!! My smiles start coming!
BUG PARADISE!! Thx for your warm and kindly words.I wish you all the same!
CASTYURCARE!! My smile start to be just that!!
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
Well I want to make one thing clear.I was not an Elder when I was D.F. I did stepp down on my own free will 1990.And why I did it was because I was not satisfied with how some of the Elders did run their responsibilityes as Elders.Like "Parents-in-laws" advantages ,brother-in-laws protecting eachother, and other strange behavier that the other brothers and sisters was aware off.
I just got fed up with it all.So one evening when I was running the Theocratic School I did have prepered a letter of resign and after the both meetings where over I did sneek the letter in to a brothers bag ( In a way so that he will see it directly) and then me and the Family left the K.H. I did let another brother give the sisters and brothers back their advicepapers so I could quickly get home.
If they really would have had love to me then he should have phoned me directly after that he discovered my letter but nobody called me(they just gathered a eldermeeting and accepted my resignation.) But afterwards when coming to the Sundaymeeting I just did feel a big relief!!! Because I was not more interested to be a part of a group of Elders that didnt always do their jobs in a real Christin way.
About why I got D.F. I can tell you that I commited a sin (But I surely wouldnt have been D.F. if not one of the "strong " Elder had influenced the other 2 in such a way that he did) I think he was happy to have the chance of D.F. me because we had had many disputes during the 2-3 years before my D.F. But in 1 months the C.O. will come to visit the Convergation and I know from atleast 20 b+s in my C. that they want that brother to stepp down because he is running the C badly and their are meny sis and bro that are very unhappy.They all promised me to see to that he have to stop being an Elder. It will be interesting to follow the matter.
Hugs from Kjell H
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
CRAWDAD 2!! Hi! No I havnt meet Happy Man yet but I will try to get in touch with him later.Thx for letting me know!! About differences between convergation in Sweden contra USA ,well I am not that familiar about the differences but I am sure there will be some.
Cu around
Hugs from Kjell H
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
Hi again MELISSA!! Sorry to hear that your father is ded.But I am happy for you that you did have the possibility to spend time with him during his last 2 years.I am sure that it did mean alot for him.I write back to you tomorrow because I have to go to bed for some sleep.I am not going to any convention this summer it is just boring and cost alot of money,I prefere to spend them on my Family instead.
Hugs from Kjell with Family
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
And that goes for you to: ip (lyn 57-54)
i just got out from jw bye a d.f.
4 weeks ago after 44 years as an active i insane or why am i having that great feeling of freedom??
i am sitting here infront of the computer having a cold beer and just enjoying life.shouldnt i be crying and having a depression sitting here in tears over missing all my jw friends that now are vanished??.
I just got an attack from IP. Are u from Headquarters in Brooklyn?Step off my foot or I kick your buts.
Kjell Hedblom